Sunday, March 3, 2013

10 surprising facts about baby

A baby is a precious gift from God to every parent. In fact, to a greater or lesser degree, every parent has some plans, hopes and dreams for their child's future. Responsibilities of both mother and father increase as and when baby born. However, those moments are unimaginable for parents. It’s such a wonderful feeling and there were not enough words to describe. While seeing any cute baby, naturally a big smile comes on almost all people’s face. Even, many people are fond of spending time with babies and playing with small children. If you also like babies, then don’t miss to read ahead as here are provided some quite 10 surprising facts about baby that may shock you. No matter whether you heard it or not, you will definitely love to read it.

1, Many fathers-to-be experience sympathetic pregnancies

As women are the ones who carry the child and undergo the procedure of labor and childbirth, men are generally peripheral to some extent during pregnancy. A quarter of fathers-to-be experience sympathetic pregnancies, also called Couvade Syndrome. For those who are not aware about Couvade Syndrome, it is the phenomenon whereby a man living with a pregnant woman experiences symptoms of pregnancy like weight gain, morning sickness, food cravings, mood swings, heartburn, cramps, depression, fatigue, back pain, fainting, insomnia, and stomach swelling resembling a baby bump. Men become much closely concerned with their partner's pregnancy that 23 per cent report emotional and physical changes normally connected with women.

2, Record for most babies in one birth - 9

The record for multiple births belongs to an Australian woman - Geraldine Brodrick, as per the Guinness Book of the Records. She gave birth to 9 babies (nonuplets) on June 13, 1971 at the Royal Hospital for Women, in Sydney, Australia. Sadly, none of the 5 boys and 4 girls lived. 2 were stillborn and the last to survive died just after six days of birth.

3, World's Longest Pregnancy - 375 days

The current World's record for the longest pregnancy is hold by Mrs. Beulah Hunter - age 25, from Los Angeles. On March 24, 2006, she was tested for pregnancy and after 375 days she gave a birth to Penny Diana. The date of last menstrual period of Mrs. Hunter's was February 10, the evidence presented by Dr. Daniel Beltz: a laboratory test indicated pregnancy. At six months Mrs. Hunter first felt the baby kick, however, the standard time would be amid 16 and 18 weeks. The usual pregnancy period is 280 days and the last record was 317 days, so naturally doctors at Los Angeles' Methodist Hospital were astonished.

4, The most-premature baby - born at just less than 22 weeks

Amillia Sonja Taylor, born on October 24, 2006 in Miami, Florida, is reported as the most-premature baby to ever survive, at 21 weeks and 6 days. She was only 9.5 inches (24.13 centimeters) long and weighed below 10 ounces (283 grams) at the time of birth - not even as much as two regular bars of soap. In order to show how small she was, remarkable photos of Amillia alongside a ballpoint pen were shown to the world. Her parents tried for above a decade to have a kid, and she is the first baby for Eddie (45) and Sonja Taylor (35) of Homestead. Parents gave her a name Amillia - it means resilient in Latin, a combatant and hardworking - to reflect her endurance against the odds.

5, Mostly Caucasian babies are born with blue eyes

Caucasian babies are often born with dark blue or also slate-gray eyes, however, it may change numerous times before a baby’s first birthday. Do you know the reason behind this magical alteration in your baby’s eye color? It is due to the amount of melanin present in a child's iris - the colored part of the eye, and that in turn is resolute by the genes which your child has inherited plus other factors. When Irises comprising of a big amount of melanin, it eem to be black or brown eyes, while less melanin produces gray, green, or light brown eyes. In case of very small amounts of melanin, eyes will appear blue or light gray. Some animals are also born with blue eyes like kittens.

6, Babies do not have kneecaps, rather they have cartilage

Several parents do not know the fact that babies are born without kneecaps, instead they have a structure of cartilage that resembles kneecaps. Kneecaps are only developed when they reach at the age of 2 to 6 years. Kneecaps start to form about the fourth month of fetal life, although they don’t turn up on x-ray very well as they’re not ossified, or bony. The kneecaps are made of a cartilaginous material at this stage in life. The growth centers adjoining the kneecap form late in developmental life in utero and might not emerge until just before or only after the baby is born.

7, The world's heaviest baby: 23.12 lbs - 10.5 kg

The heaviest baby ever born was produced by Anna Haining Bates of Canada on January 19, 1879, but the baby survived only 11 hours. The baby weighed 23.12 lbs or 10.5 kg and was almost 30 inches (71 centimeters) tall. Each of his feet was 6 inches (152 mm) long. Anna went into labor on January 15 and continued in the 1st stages of labor for 36 hours, when hard time labor started. Her physician, Dr. Beach recognized that the birth was not going in a normal course and tried with forceps, but the baby's head was so large. Another doctor was called by him, who even tried using forceps. They had set a strong bandage around the baby's neck to aid with the delivery.

8, Men quickly change diapers compared to time taken by women

Many dads are actually great in terms of getting up with kids, taking kids to the doctor, changing diaper, etc. in the middle of the night. However, in lots of families, moms do the most child care tasks. When it comes to the specifically changing diapers, it has been found that men speedily change diapers than women. Men take around 1.26 minutes on average to finish the job whereas women need 2.05 minutes.

9, Babies have more bones than adults!

Babies are born with 300 bones in their body but just 206 remains by the time they reach adulthood. As baby grow older, small bones join together to make large ones. Some baby's bones are made of soft and supple cartilage, letting them to be less prone to bone breaks while learning how to roll over, crawl and walk. Thus, it depicts that babies are made of rubber. Have you ever imagined how we look if we don’t have bones? You could not walk, bend, stand up, or do any things without bones and just become a puddle of skin on the floor.

10, Highest recorded number of children - 69

Until now, the record of highest number of children born to one mother is 69. In 17th century Russia, the woman had given birth 27 times during her marriage life. She gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets, between 1725 and 1765. Amazingly, 67 of them survived infancy. She was the first wife of Feodor Vassilyev (1707-1782) of Shuya, Russia. She even holds the world record for giving birth to the most sets of twins and sets of quadruplets. Those were the days of no in-vitro fertilization, so you can visualize how rare it is to have numerous births every few years.

10 Incredible Baby Facts video from youtube:



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